Tom Brokaw, NBC TODAY, hosts live report from HQ SAC; additional material from Ellsworth AFB and elsewhere. Featured are Gen Daniel James, Jr., CINCNORAD; Gen Richard H. Ellis, CINCSAC, Maj Gen Earl G. Peck, DCS/OPS, HQ SAC; Brig Gen Kenneth L. Peek, Jr., Dir of Com Cont, HQ SAC, and Sen Sam Nunn (D-Ga) and Jake Garn (R-Ut). Video not of first-rate quality; program contains a number of scenes appropriate for stock footage. There is intercut film stock not detailed in the list below. Tape 1: 11-16 AV B-52Hs parked on flight line at Ellsworth AfB. 16-23 INT shots of Minuteman launch control center including CU sign reading ENTRY RESTRICTED TO MCC ON DUTY. 23-46 INT shots of underground command post, HQ SAC. 91-98 Establishing shots of Offutt AFB. 98-103 Three AF personnel raising flag in front of HQ SAC. 103-113 INT shots of underground complex, HQ SAC. 133-141 INT shots of underground command post, HQ SAC. 187-193 Early morning shots of missile repair truck and aircraft control tower at Ellsworth AFB. 193-200 Various shots of missile crew briefing. 200-217 Various shots of Minuteman launch control center including AV and interior. 234-238 Various shots of job control center (missile maintenance). 244-251 Various shots of AF personnel training on missile repair. 251-253 AF personnel repairing B-52 wing in hangar. 253-268 B-52H taxi to left, takeoff to right intercut with ATC officer clearing plane for takeoff. 263-268 AV B-52Hs parked on flight line at Ellsworth AFB. 293-299 INT shots of underground command post, HQ SAC. 337-383 Interview with Gen James (good CUs). 389-399 SAC outdoor museum at Offutt AFB (light snowfall) showing individual CUs HU-16, B-17, B-29, B-36, and B-47. 401-417 INT shots of underground complex, HQ SAC, including computers (several good shots) and command post screens. 422-502 Interview with Gen Ellis (good CUs). 519-523 Interior underground command post, HQ SAC. 528-534 Early morning takeoff to left of EC-135C. 573-611 INT shots of EC-135C in flight showing crew at work, focussing on Maj Gen Peck, intercut with Brokaw talking to Peck via telephone. 624-671 Brig Gen Peck gives Brokaw a mini-tour of underground command post. Includes shots of consoles, screens, and personnel. 678-680 Pan along row of underground command post consoles (good). 689-759 Interview with Senators Nunn and Garn (good CUs). 770-784 Reprise of various shots seen earlier in program. 52:24 Total running time in tape.